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Shifting to Super Success

Shifting to Super Success

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein. When we hear the word success we usually equate that to money, but achieving success is not just about planning and performing linear tasks that will...

Don’t Deny Your Destiny

When you hear about having the perfect life, it’s important to remember that it does not mean you will never encounter different challenges throughout your lifetime. The quest or journey toward your perfect life is all about facing and conquering challenges....

Love and Prosperity

Does it seem like you life is not working out, no matter what you do? Do you wish for things that are not coming to you? What if you could change it just by understanding how to use love? Listen and find out how to use the love you have within to change every area of...

Know Who You Are

If you were wearing a T-shirt to describe yourself what would it say? If it is something positive and powerful are you walking in and living that life? It is time to make commitments to yourself, but you can only do that by knowing who you are and rising up to that...

Freeing Yourself From Limitations

Are you looking to someone or something else for the source of your supply?  Are you thinking that you are trapped into a dead end job or career, because you need the money? If so, today’s show is for you and be sure to share it with anyone else who thinks and feels...